Quick(!) stats update (UK) Quick(!) stats update (UK): So the virus is still with us and we are trying to hold daily fatalities under 1000 again, like in April/May. So it's proving to be the sad, long an… https://www.businessathlete.co.uk/index.php/blog/2020/12/covid-stats-update-colin-29-dec-2020/
Podcast hosted by Rachel Day Click Here to Listen to the Podcast Hosted by Rachel Day, founder of the amazing Flying School charity (click to visit). Colin is a double Commonwealth medal holder in Table… https://www.businessathlete.co.uk/index.php/blog/2020/12/learning-fly-podcast-colin-hosted-rachel-day/
Dec, 2020 Blog Posts https://www.businessathlete.co.uk/index.php/blog/2020/12/