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Covid Quick Stats Update - Omicron - 17th Dec 2021

Omicron...I can feel a 'quick stats update' coming on.
Omicron...I can feel a 'quick stats update' coming on. The Omicron 'game' is a different game. It crushes Test and Trace, for example. This is going to be big now. In short, pr…

Covid stats update from Colin, 29 Dec 2020

Quick(!) stats update (UK)
Quick(!) stats update (UK): So the virus is still with us and we are trying to hold daily fatalities under 1000 again, like in April/May. So it's proving to be the sad, long an…

Covid-19 - 28 March 2020

OK for those who asked...stats update and forecast on COVID-UK...with lots of disclaimers...
OK for those who asked...stats update and forecast on COVID-UK...with lots of disclaimers... Summary: 1. Brace for many thousands of UK deaths to overshadow us very very soon, …