The Business Athlete® - the most efficient and comprehensive way to create and sustain a high performing, high satisfaction, socially responsible culture.  

Welcome to the Business Athlete® Online Assessments

See how you shape up as a Business Athlete® - as an organisation, department, team, or just for you as an individual.

TEAM or ORGANISATION ASSESSMENT (measures Performance Wellness, Culture and Potential)

If you want to know what your people think of your organisation or team’s current performance and needs, take the Organisation Assessment. It will provide important insights into where you need to refocus your energy as a leadership team. It may lead you to consider and prioritise aspects of alignment, emotional intelligence, culture, cognitive or technical skills, and/or wellbeing. These are all team/organisation performance factors. The development of these needs to be designed, combined, integrated and sequenced uniquely for your situation. 


If you are an individual looking at your own situation, performance, potential and direction, and know you have challenges, or more to offer – then take the Individual Assessment to identify where to direct your energy in life and work to get the best out of yourself. We call this process Self-Leadership. Leading anything or others depends first on leading ourselves well.

A Business Athlete® Assessment will provide you with a 15-22-page report to help you focus and progress. We recommend you re-take the Assessment every six months to check progress and refocus.

Your Business Athlete® Report helps you find out how much of your potential you are currently using; how much you need to be using to meet your challenges and achieve your goals; and where to refocus your individual energy to be successful.

Once you have completed our questionnaire, you will be provided with a confidential Assessment Report by email. There is an option to upgrade and add a 90 minute consultation that includes live verbal feedback and collaborative conversation from an accredited Business Athlete Coach to help you elicit more, coach you, and create with you a new long-term development plan to optimise your health, performance and potential. Our Coaches are highly trained and skilled professional coaches/ consultants with great CVs in sport or industry.


Please click here to purchase >

We are reminded of Carl Jung's estimation of the central role the individual plays in the proper functioning of society:

“The fatally shortsighted habit of our age is to think only in terms of large numbers and mass organizations…Ultimately everything depends on the quality of the individual”.

– Carl Jung

Being good citizens, then, means being good quality people.


The Individual Business Athlete®Self-Leadership Report is a 15-22-page report of information on your perception of:

  • How much of your potential you are currently using
  • Which areas of your energy are currently high and low
  • Where you need to redirect your energies in order to meet your challenges and achieve your goals.

Call +44 (0) 333 566 0031 to book an optional 90 minute consultation to go through your Assessment, eliciting more from your Report, receiving a full coaching session, and learn how to optimise a long-term development plan for your own health, performance and potential, based on your Report. These are conducted confidentially one-to-one with a highly-qualified accredited Business Athlete Coach. The price is £330.00 pre-payable by BACS.

Please click here to purchase >

The Organisation/Team Performance Wellness, Culture and Potential Report is a 22-page report of information on the respondents’ perceptions of:

  • How much of the Team’s potential is currently being used
  • The areas of Team energy that are currently high and low
  • Where the Team needs to redirect its energies in order to meet its challenges and achieve its goals.

In order to take the questionnaire, firstly please define which Team or part of the Organisation you wish to assess (eg, ACME PLC;  ACME Ltd; ACME Board; ACME Finance Department; ACME Health Support Team).

Next, choose who will be invited to complete the questionnaire, to contribute to the Report. Please gain their approval to participate and provide their first and last names and email addresses. Please ensure you maintain GDPR compliance in doing so. We will not share or use this information we receive for any other purpose – see our Privacy Policy.

Contact us to pay by BACS or invoice, provide the names and email addresses of your contributors, and to book your live video feedback session. The Report will be provided to the person who orders the Report. It may be shared amongst the group of contributors who take the questionnaire, and with relevant team members and managers.

The live video feedback session is a fascinating 90-minute consultation that goes through your Report, elicits further valuable developmental information, and provides coaching on how you can optimise a long-term development plan for your Team’s health, performance and potential. These are conducted confidentially by a highly-qualified accredited Business Athlete Coach. Attendees to the feedback session are by agreement.

Click here with any questions or to contact us


What They Say . . . Business Athlete® Online Assessments

I loved the Business Athlete Self-Leadership Assessment because of its simple and well defined framework and the clarity of its results. It makes it very easy for clients to understand where to focus their attention to achieve significant changes in their lives. As the report says, top athletes know the value of incremental small changes that lead to medals, and that concept can easily apply to each person when applied correctly. The assessment report is one of the best I have seen and gently walks the client through their Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual results identifying key areas that will trigger the kind of changes to help them refocus their energies towards their personal goals. I particularly appreciate that the results leave ample opportunity for a coaching discussion about how and when to implement the changes. This ensures that the client truly develops and embeds an appropriate and achievable plan that leads to lasting change. The Self-Leadership Assessment will be my preferred assessment going forward for use with my clients. 

Lindsey Wheeler, Director Safire Consulting - July 2023


A super tool to help people refocus their energies towards the accomplishment of their purpose and goals.

Mike Cowan, Managing Director, MCI - June 2023


I got quite a bit out of the Self-Leadership feedback conversation – thank you. I particularly appreciated the additional context you provided about the interconnectivity between the areas highlighted. And overall it prompted me to think at a deeper level. You also started to partner with me on steps I could take, which I feels increased the level of my own commitment.

Professional Team Coach - April 2023